Saturday, 28 December 2013

UK Neuropsychologist: How to become one.

In the United kingdom clinical neuropsychologists must complete many years of training. Often early within education carefully selected A-levels and good grades provide an appropriate start point. The future clinical neuropsychologists will then complete a BPS accredited degree in psychology, this is normally a bachelor of science. Following the completion of the psychology degree with first of upper second grading, few will be lucky enough to secure  a number of years working within the field of psychology. Often this will be as an assistant psychologist or similarly responsible reseracher and clinician. In a competitive market the best  candidates at this stage will be selected to conduct their three-year doctoral degree in clinical psychology. This involves an integration of academic and clinical experiences and placements within the NHS. Once the trainee clinical psychologist completes their doctoral training they often begin a clinical career within the field of neuropsychology. Often potential clinical neuropsychologists will work a number of years as a clinical psychologist gaining further experience and knowledge and will then embark in a two-year postdoctoral diploma in clinical neuropsychology. This training is provided by only three institutions, including Bristol University, UCL and Glasgow University. Once the potential clinical neuropsychologist has satisfactorily completed this training day they then choose whether to enter the specialist register for clinical neuropsychologists by submitting payments, case studies and completing a viva.Those that do can use the title of clinical neuropsychologist.

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